Data privacy


Privacy policy

Below, we notify you about how personal data is collected when you use our website. Personal data is all data which relates to you personally, for example your name, address, email addresses and user behaviour.

1. Controller and Data Protection Officer

The controller within the meaning of Art. 4 (7) of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

STRATEGIS Aktiengesellschaft
Leipziger Straße 51
10117 Berlin

represented by the Management Board Sascha Nöske (Chair), Michael Elst, Angelika Gloy

The Data Protection Officer in accordance with Art. 37 ff. GDPR is:
secjur GmbH

If you have any queries regarding data privacy, please contact Mr Hanitsch at the following email address:

Alternatively, you can write to:

secjur GmbH
Niklas Hanitsch
Steinhöft 9
20459 Hamburg

When you contact us by email or using our contact form, the data you submit (your email address and, if applicable, your name and telephone number) will be logged in order for us to respond to your enquiry. We delete the data collected in this way when its retention is no longer necessary or we limit its processing if there are statutory record retention obligations.
If we make use of contracted service providers for individual service functions or if we wish to use your data for marketing purposes, we shall inform you of the processes in question in detail as explained below. We shall also state the criteria regarding the data retention period.

2. Your rights

You have the following rights regarding the personal data relating to you:
– Right of access
– Right to rectification or erasure
– Right to the restriction of processing
– Right to object to processing
– Right to data portability
In the event of a request for information, you must provide sufficient information regarding your identity and furnish us with evidence of the information belonging to you. The information disclosed is the data logged in relation to you, the data source, the recipient or categories of recipients to whom the data was transferred and the storage purpose. To exercise these rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer, who is listed at the top of this privacy policy.

If you previously gave your consent to your data being processed, you may revoke this at any time.
Such a revocation affects the permissibility of the processing of your personal data after you have issued the revocation to us.
You may object to processing if we base the processing of your personal data on our legitimate interests. This is the case in particular if data processing is not necessary for the performance of a contract with you, this being stated individually by us in the following description of the functions. If you exercise such an objection, we ask that you state the reasons why we are not to process your personal data in the manner that we do. In the event of a reasoned objection, we shall examine the situation and will either cease or modify our data processing or will illustrate to you the compelling legitimate grounds upon which we shall continue to process your data.
You may, of course, object at any time to your personal data being processed for marketing or data analysis purposes. Please contact us or our competent Data Protection Officer with your objection to the use of your personal data for marketing purposes using the contact details at the top of this privacy policy.
You also have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority regarding our processing of your personal data.

3. Use of your data

When you visit our web pages, our web servers temporarily log every instance of access in a log file. The following data is collected and is recorded until its automatic erasure:
– IP address of the requesting computer
– Date and time of the page view
– Name and URL of the file retrieved
– Data volume transmitted
– Record of whether retrieval was successful
– Identifiers of the browser and the operating system used
– Website from which the page was accessed
– Name of your Internet service provider
The server log files are processed for the purposes of facilitating use of the website (connection establishment), system security, technical administration of the network infrastructure and website optimisation. The IP address shall only be evaluated in the event of attacks on our network infrastructure or that of our Internet service provider.
The contact details you provide shall be used solely for the purpose of responding to your enquiries. The legal basis for this is point (b) of Article 6 (1) GDPR.
Data collected in the course of your contacting us (e.g. via a contact form or by email) shall be erased upon your enquiry being processed insofar as you request this and this is not excluded by any statutory record retention obligations.
Insofar as this data privacy notice does not stipulate otherwise, your personal data shall not be shared with third parties if you have not explicitly given your consent or if we are obliged to surrender such data, for example by court or official order.
We have taken technical and organisational steps to ensure that the provisions of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are observed both by us and by the external service providers contracted by us.
If we collaborate with other companies such as email and server providers in order to provide our services, this occurs only at the end of an extensive selection process. This selection process involves each and every service provider being carefully selected on the basis of their suitability regarding technical and organisational data privacy abilities.
This selection process is documented in writing and an outsourced data processing contract is then only concluded if it meets the requirements as per Art. 28 GDPR.
Your data shall be stored on specially protected servers to which only a small number of specially authorised persons have access.

4. Google Analytics

We use the analytics tool Google Analytics to optimise your use of this website. This is a standard analytics tool of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google uses what are known as ‘cookies’ for analysis, acquiring information on your user behaviour through these and then analysing it accordingly.
Your data is analysed anonymously. Google’s tracking code is amended on our web pages such that the final characters of your IP address are always truncated by Google prior to analysis. This IP anonymisation occurs shortly after the user’s IP address is sent to the analytics data collection network to be logged. The full IP address is therefore never recorded on the hard drive in this instance. The IP address is generally truncated on servers within the member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
The information generated by a cookie regarding your use of this website is only sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there once it has been anonymised. It is therefore then no longer possible for inferences to be made regarding you or for this data to be merged with other data regarding you of which Google is already aware.
User data is collected, anonymised and analysed by Google at the request in writing of the website operator (see ‘Company information’).
You have the option of limiting or entirely restricting the use of cookies on the basis of your browser program settings. However, preventing the use of cookies could result in your not being able to use all of the website’s functions.
You also have the option of preventing your user data from being collected and your user behaviour from being analysed by Google Analytics simply by downloading and installing the browser plug-in specially developed by Google from the following link:
More information on and the Terms of Service for Google Analytics can be found here:
The Google Analytics data privacy terms can be found here:

5. Use of external service providers

We draw on the support of third-country service providers in order to provide our services. To guarantee the protection of your personal data in this instance too, we conclude special outsourced data processing contracts with each and every carefully selected service provider in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.

6. Use of cookies

In addition to the aforementioned data, cookies are stored on your computer when you use our website. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your hard drive with an association to the browser you use and with which STRATEGIS or the agency which places the cookie obtains certain information. Cookies cannot run programs or transfer viruses to your computer. We use them to analyse the use of in anonymised or pseudonymised form and to present the user with services which are of interest to them on this website.
This website uses the following types of cookie, the scope and functioning of which are explained below:
Transient cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. The majority of the cookies used by us are transient. They are in particular session cookies. These log what’s called a session ID, which allows various requests from your browser to be identified as being part of the same session. This allows your computer to be recognised again when you return to our website. Session cookies are deleted when you log out or close your browser.
Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a set time, which can vary depending on the cookie. You can delete cookies within your browser’s security settings at any time. Please note that you may then not be able to use all the functions of this website.

7. Google Maps

This website uses Google Maps to display interactive maps and to generate travel directions. Google Maps is a map service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. When you use Google Maps, information about your use of this website including your IP address and the (start) address entered into the route planner can be sent to Google in the USA. When you view a page on our website containing Google Maps, your browser establishes a direct link with the Google servers. The map content is transmitted directly to your browser by Google and is incorporated into the website by your browser. We therefore have no control over the volume of data collected by Google in this way, namely:
– Date and time of the visit to the website in question
– Internet address or URL of the page viewed
– IP address
– (Start) address entered into the route planner
We have no control over Google’s further processing and use of data and can therefore accept no responsibility for this. If you do not want Google to collect, process or use data related to you via our website, you can disable JavaScript in your browser settings. However, this means maps will then not be displayed by your browser.
For information on the purpose and scope of Google’s data collection and its further processing and use, your rights in this respect and possible settings to protect your privacy, please refer to Google’s privacy policy. By using our website, you give your consent to the data collected regarding you being processed by the Google Maps route planner in the manner and for the purpose outlined above.

8. Contact us

You can contact us via the website Various data is needed in order for us to answer your enquiry, this data being automatically logged for processing. This includes your surname, first name, email address, telephone number if applicable and the content of the message itself. The data shall not be shared with any third parties unless the user has given their consent to this.

9. Data processing in relation to employment applications

It is possible to apply for a vacancy at STRATEGIS by email. This involves personal data being processed and logged for further processing related to the application process in question.
If an application leads to an employment relationship, the personal data shall be stored in accordance with the legal requirements. Should an applicant’s application not be considered during the selection of a potential candidate, it shall be erased in accordance with the local erasure concept, with the provisions of Germany’s General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG), in particular burden of proof pursuant to Section 22 AGG, being taken into account.

10. Right of modification

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy subject to observation of the statutory provisions.

Correct as at July 2024