The company

The whole is more than
the sum of its parts


The interaction of our three complementary business divisions is the key to holistic solutions and sustainable quality – from the transaction advice offered by RE Invest and the management services of the RE Management division to the RE Sales division’s product development and individual sales.

Our objective is quality and continuous improvement for all the contracts and projects under our care. We cultivate long-term customer relationships and prioritise substantive success over short-term returns. This culminates in vibrant spaces and values for generations – which we refer to simply as Results³.

The best of three
business divisions

Our customers benefit from the expertise of our closely coordinated business divisions.

RE Invest

Investment is foresight

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RE Management

Holistic thinking

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RE Sales

Passionate about the product

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Progress has many faces

Around 50 employees work tirelessly to further develop our services – some of whom we would like to present to you here.

Sascha Nöske

Head of RE Invest

Luise Dominick

Personnel Management

Steffen Daumann

Global Sales and Transaction Advice

Alexandra Klein

Property Management

Stefan Prill

Head of Letting Team

Ingo Plenikowski

Global Sales and Transaction Advice

Apera Thevarajah

Project and Process Management

Angelika Gloy

Head of RE Management

Norbert Schwarz

Property Management

Karin Moucha

Marketing and Company Communication

Benjamin Orlob

District Management

Thomas von Münster

Head of International Sales

Adisa Smajlagic


Alexander Quednau

Individual Sales and Product Development

Michael Elst

Head of RE Sales

Daniela Oliva

Head of Technical Property Management

Jörg Facius

Property Management

Katsiaryna Haupt

Property Accounting

Anita Greulich

Team Lead Accounting Management


Living space for today and tomorrow

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Values that inspire us

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Leipziger Straße 51
10117 Berlin

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